Monday, August 31, 2009

ICT to O'Hare, 30,000 feet up.

As I’m flying to Chicago only now does the reality of one start to set in. It seems like some great length of time but I know in actuality this experience will fly. And as this reality sets in I examine my hopes, apprehensions, but most of all my excitement. I have never done anything like this before. I know I’ll be tempted to compare this to Guatemala, but I know that won’t work. This is new. This is different. This isn’t schooling, at least in the literal sense. I’ll be working at a job (no idea what kind) while at the same time having an idyllic structure and setting to ask and explore questions about my faith, my life and my future.

I’ll arrive soon… meeting people I have never met before, several who I’ll be living in close proximity with for the next year. I hope they’re cool… otherwise it’ll be a longer year. But I’ll remain determined to gain as much information, experience and life lessons out of this year as I can. The opportunity is incredible, now all I have to do is make the most of it.

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